Residents CAN and ARE making a difference. Join them on Monday, July 8!

Residents CAN and ARE making a difference.
Join them on Monday, July 8!

Our Planning Commissioners voted on June 25th to give the citizens 60 days to submit suggestions to be considered for the Comprehensive Plan. That’s not much time, but a group of attendees in the meeting accepted the challenge. We need many more people to help. When brainstorming our work ahead, we realized that the citizens should be at the core of the decisions of our city’s future. So, we hope you will join Core ’24 by coming to our first meeting (details below) to learn what you personally can contribute to Georgetown’s Comprehensive Plan.

What IS the Georgetown Comprehensive Plan and why do we need it?

Community planning, according to the American Planning Association, is “a process that seeks to engage all members of the community to create a more prosperous, convenient, equitable, healthy, and attractive place for present and future generations.” One of the fundamental responsibilities of local government is to plan for future growth and development of the community. The guidance document that results from this planning process is the Comprehensive Plan.

Georgetown’s most recent Comprehensive Plan was published in 2011. SC State Law requires that municipalities update their plans at least every ten years. For a myriad of reasons, we are now almost four years past that ten-year required deadline. That’s in the past. Now, to the future and how you can participate in getting back on track and moving forward.

A comprehensive plan provides a vision for the future of the community along with the steps needed to make that vision a reality. It is the basis for land use regulations and helps guide growth and change. A comprehensive plan and a zoning ordinance are two separate tools that are used in conjunction with one another. A comprehensive plan acts in a guiding role and provides recommendations on how land should be utilized to meet the needs and desires of the community, whereas a zoning ordinance regulates land uses as recommended by the plan.

Core ’24 Inaugural Meeting
Monday, July 8, 2024
5:00-7:00 pm
Winyah Auditorium in the Meeting Space on 2nd Floor

Questions? Email or call Ede at (704) 957-1582

*Please come prepared by reviewing the red-lined Comprehensive Plan. It can be found at:!GeorgetownCompPlan_06.03.2024%20Redlined%20Revisions_reduced%20resolution.pdf