Georgetown County Council approves three, denies two, rezoning requests

Scott Harper/GAB News•

Georgetown County Planner Holly Richardson


By a 5-1 vote, Georgetown County Council has approved a rezoning request and a change to the county’s comprehensive plan that will allow 27 homes to be built on eight acres of land adjacent to The Hammock Shops in Pawleys Island. Councilman Bob Anderson cast the only “no” vote to the proposals. The vote was to amend the comprehensive plan from Conservation Preservation to Medium Density Residential.
The new development will be called Magic Oaks.

During the public comment period Tuesday evening, Cindy Person, attorney for adjoining landowners opposed to the changes, said while the property is conserved according to the comprehensive plan, it is zoned General Residential and General Commercial. That, she said, is “an irreconcilable inconsistency.”
The property has been downzoned, meaning the development of the planned housing will be much less intrusive than the creation of commercial businesses.
Person said the change does increase residential density on the property from zero, which it currently is, to medium density. She said residents do not feel the change should be allowed.
“It seems inconsistent because it is inconsistent,” she said.
County Planning Director Holly Richardson said the minimum lot sizes will be 8,000 square-feet with a maximum building height of 35-feet.
Anderson said since he has been on council he has been trying to get the zoning in listed as conservation in the comprehensive plan changed from General Commercial and General Residential.

 South Island Road Rezoning
Council gave unanimous second reading approval to a request to rezone 5.15 acres located on South Island Road from Forest Agriculture to Forest Agriculture Commercial.
Property owner Robert Lumpkin Jr. wants to use the property for a boat/trailer storage facility. No buildings will be constructed on the site. The storage would be inside a fenced-in area.
The request will be up for final approval May 14
Pendergrass Avenue Rezoning Denied
Dale Lacy, who owns a 2.13 acre tract on Pendergrass Avenue near Highway 17 in Murrells Inlet has requested the property be rezoned from one-half-acre residential to General Commercial.
He wants to use the property as a site for a “flex space building.” A flex space building can be used for a mixture of warehouse space, office space, and/or retail space.
Councilwoman Stella Mercado asked if this request was considered “upzoning.” She was told by Richardson it is because the current zoning only allows two structures per acre. The zoning being requested would double that allowance.
Because of that, no council member made a motion to approve the request, so it was denied.
 Andrews Area Rezoning
H&S Oil Co. is requesting the rezoning of 16.7 acres on Gallop Road from General Commercial to Heavy Industrial. The property is currently vacant.
Council gave second reading approval unanimously.
Bill Hemingway, in the documentation, says the plan is to build a new metal and fabrication machine shop on the site.
Richardson says the rezoning is in line with other zoning districts in the vicinity and along Highway 521 near Andrews.
She also said a metal and fabrication machine shop would fit nicely in that area because there are no personal residences nearby.
Third reading is expected May 14.
Jackson Village Road Rezoning Denied
County Council Chairman Louis Morant recused himself from discussing and voting on this matter citing a “potential conflict.”
Richardson said the 7.42 acre tract is at the intersection of Jackson Village and James Milton Roads. The request is to go from Village 10,000 square-foot residential to Forest/Agriculture Residential.
The property is owned by Covent Missionary Baptist Church. The church wants to use the land for a cemetery and memorial garden.
Several residents from the area have spoken at planning commission and council meeting opposing thee plan.
No council member made a motion to approve the request, so the rezoning request has been denied.