May 9th - KIG Community Forum: Proposed Land Use Plan for the Waccamaw Neck

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Thursday, May 9 at 6 pm

Waccamaw Library

41 St. Paul's Place

Pawleys Island

This is an important informational event. If you want the FACTS about the Proposed Georgetown County Land Use Plan & Maps that will guide zoning and land use decisions in the Waccamaw Neck for the next TEN YEARS, please attend this forum and bring a neighbor or friend.

Keep It Green (KIG) will have a panel of experts available to educate, engage with residents, and answer questions on the following topics:

  • Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update Process

  • Proposed Land Use Plan

  • Future Land Use Maps and Zoning

  • Residential Density

  • Traffic & Safety

  • Stormwater & Flooding

  • Heirs' Property

  • Workforce Housing

  • Environmental Impact


Under the supervision of a GIS (Geographic Information System) mapping expert, our team has conducted a thorough updated analysis of the most recent draft of the proposed land use plan and maps for the Waccamaw Neck.

The proposed map data was imported into a GIS mapping system which allowed us to conduct a comprehensive comparison of the Proposed Land Use Maps, Current Land Use Maps, Current Zoning Maps & Existing Development. The results are revealing.

Based on objective data, the GIS analysis confirmed the following:

  • Substantially Increased Density. The proposed plan drastically increases overall residential density with concentration of new high density, multi-family, mixed use development (up to 3 stories high) on the commercial corridor and adjacent neighborhoods from Prince George to the Horry County line.

  • Existing Development Not a Factor. The vast majority of density increases on the proposed plan are on parcels of land that are presently undeveloped or where existing development conforms with the current FLU maps. In other words, most of the proposed density increases are not necessary to conform with existing development.

  • Myrtle Beach & Mount Pleasant. The proposed plan follows in the footsteps of Myrtle Beach and Mount Pleasant. If this plan is approved and built out, Pawleys Island and Murrells Inlet will be unrecognizable in ten years.

  • Parkersville & Fraserville. This plan sets up multi-generational residents of the historical Pawleys Island minority neighborhoods of Parkersville and Fraserville for displacement and gentrification.

  • Invites New High Density Development. The proposed plan substantially increases the density baseline for the entire community and promotes the longstanding county agenda of land development in the Waccamaw Neck being the primary source of revenue for the entire county.

The GIS mapping data described above will be presented as part of the KIG Community Forum.


Here are some facts about Keep It Green and our work:

  • Who is KIG? - Thousands of ordinary citizens, many of whom are natives of the Waccamaw Neck, who wish to protect and preserve the character of our community.

  • Independent - No ties to special interest groups. No financial interest in the outcome of land use matters. Nothing to gain or lose.

  • No Hidden Agenda - The nonprofit mission is to conduct research, determine the facts, and share them with the public.

  • Volunteer Experts - Dozens of your friends and neighbors volunteer their expertise to KIG as engineers, stormwater experts, financial analysts, business administrators, lawyers, builders, developers, realtors, GIS mappers, data analysts, coastal geologists, marine scientists, safety, security and compliance officers, planning, zoning, land use and environmental specialists, and much more.

  • Credible Information. These highly qualified folks invest thousands of hours of their personal time, without compensation, to provide the community with a source of credible, reliable, and objective information because it is the right thing to do.

  • Free Legal Services - In addition to the work of KIG, Keep It Green Advocacy (KIGA) provides free legal services to residents, community groups, and heirs' property owners. When land use decisions do not comply with the law or procedure, KIGA seeks legal recourse through judicial or administrative channels. To date, we have prevented a substantial amount of inappropriate development in our community and we will continue to do so.

We encourage citizens to conduct your own research and draw your own conclusions. In evaluating the reliability of conflicting "facts," we suggest you consider which source of information has an interest in the outcome and which does not, reconcile if possible, and then apply your intelligence, logic, and common sense.


A record breaking crowd showed up at the April Planning Commission meeting where dozens of citizens spoke out articulately, intelligently, and respectfully in opposition to the proposed high density plan.

Faced with overwhelming public outcry, the Planning Commission voted to defer decision on the proposed plan until the May meeting pending some "tweaks" to the plan and maps which as of this date have not been released to the public. As soon as these modifications become available, we will let you know.

Ninety-six percent (96%) of the public input from Waccamaw Neck residents demonstrates that citizens want primarily low to medium density, single family homes, and smart sustainable growth that does not increase density, protects our natural resources, and maintains the current look and feel of our existing community. The proposed land use draft does not implement this public input.

The next vote will take place at the Planning Commission meeting on Thursday, May 16, at 5:30 pm at Howard Auditorium, 1610 Hawkins Street, Georgetown. This venue is much larger than council chambers and should accommodate everyone. It is critical for the community to turn out in large numbers to make your voices heard.


If you are interested in learning more about the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Update Process or about KIG and the work we do, please feel free to view any of the following short (less than 5 minutes) video excerpts from our Community Forum last fall:

"Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update" - CLICK HERE TO VIEW

"Keep It Green & Keep It Green Advocacy"- CLICK HERE TO VIEW

"KIGA Legal Team Information" - CLICK HERE TO VIEW


KIGA is pleased to be participating in Palmetto Giving Day next Tuesday and Wednesday, May 7 & 8.

We are in urgent need of funds to continue our work to protect and preserve the Waccamaw Neck. We are fighting hard and making a positive difference, but we cannot do it without your regular financial support. Your gift is an investment in the future of our community.

Matching Gift Opportunity - A generous donor has pledged matching funds of $10,000 as a Palmetto Giving Day incentive. Please take advantage of this opportunity to double the impact of your gift and give generously to KIGA.

Please CLICK HERE to donate on May 7 & 8.

(The link will go live at 6 am on Tuesday, May 7.)

We appreciate your continued support of our important and effective work.

Thank you!

Your friends at



KIGA is funded entirely by your generous tax deductible contributions, 100% of which goes toward fighting inappropriate development and increased density in the Waccamaw Neck.

You may make a safe and secure credit card donation by clicking the link below and following the simple instructions.

If you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to:

Keep It Green Advocacy, Inc.

P.O. Box 1922

Pawleys Island, SC 29585



KIGA is a nonprofit public interest law firm that was formed for the express purpose of protecting the land, quality of life, and natural character of the Waccamaw Neck, holding our county officials accountable to follow proper law and procedure, safeguarding historically and culturally significant neighborhoods, and protecting our local economy.

KIG and KIGA spend countless hours monitoring zoning and land use activities as well as scrutinizing county practices and procedures to ensure compliance with the law.

Click HERE to learn more about KIGA.

Keep It Green | Website

Keep It Green | P.O. Box 3312, Pawleys Island, SC 29585

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