Paige Sawyer - Public Input - Re: Comprehensive Plan - May 28th City Planning Board Meeting
I thank you for the opportunity to speak.
If you go back 50 years ago, the population of Mt. Pleasant and Georgetown was about the same. Around 10,000 people.
Credit: Stephen Psathas
Now, they the fourth largest city in SC with a population of 90,000.
If you go back 50 years ago, Myrtle Beach had a summer season that usually ended after Labor Day. And now Horry County is the largest populated county in SC. Congestion and growth have taken over these two places.
I operate a walking tour business and also work as a naturalist on a boat tour.
99% of the people taking these tours comment about how quaint Georgetown is and hope it doesn’t lose its small-town CHARM.
We have development going on all around and up and down South Island Road, proposed development next to Carroll Campbell Landing, Hwy 701 with the proposed Crown Point development, Peru Plantation and from what I understand another large track of land has been sold in that area. And you know what will happen to it?
We have planned development on Hwy 17 around the old National Guard facility and neighboring property.
Several years ago, the developer promised condominiums and apartments on this property.
We also know that Highway 17 is a federal highway and a major evacuation route to connecting roads leading west.
We also know that parts of Highway 17 flood very badly when we have a torrential downpour.
Making it impassable!
Now think about the locals trying to evacuate through Georgetown during a storm.
From the Santee River to Murrells Inlet, residents, visitors and vacationers will be heading to Georgetown to access Hwy 521 heading west.
Georgetown has experienced flooding numerous times, sink holes, and a devastating fire.
We don’t need our citizens or visitors stuck in Georgetown on a flooding highway because they can’t access one of the evacuation routes.
What is our city and county planning commission along with DOT doing to address our aging infrastructure?
Besides increasing our tax base, more traffic and congestion, how does a growing city actually benefit our citizens?
Input from our citizens is vital to update the comprehensive plan.
Have the planning commission members seen changes and or suggestions made by citizens?
The last comprehensive plan was conducted without the city planning director guiding them.
Please consider delaying the implementation of the proposed Comprehensive Plan until all suggestions and recommendations from Georgetown citizens have been made and considered.
I thank you again for allowing me to express some of our frustrations with our planning commission.
Paige Sawyer