In my December, 2024 article, I conveyed my hope that during the holiday season a spirit of cooperation would emerge and the 2040 planning process would be given a much-needed reset.
With the release of the 2040 Plan “Final Draft” and upcoming Planning Commission meeting next week, it is highly likely that the 2040 Comprehensive Plan will be moved forward to City Council. Public concern about the plans contents and future impact will need to be presented and substantiated at this meeting.
We have an upcoming opportunity to impact one of the most critical parts of our city’s future development.
The “Final Draft” of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan will be presented to the Planning Commission on:
Tuesday, February 25th at 6pm at 2222 Highmarket Street
Final 2040 Comprehensive Plan Draft
Citizen attendance and participation is important at this meeting. A large turnout of citizens at this meeting is needed in order to communicate to the Planning Commission that citizens have specific concerns and are not in favor of moving the 2040 Comprehensive Plan forward to City Council.
There are areas of the 2040 Plan that need more discussion and revision in the following areas:
Review the planning process including public engagement.
Update data and information.
Improve document content and sources used in the plan.
Discuss timelines and responsible entities within the Implementation section – Objectives.
Engagement of a professional planner to create a Master Plan to include the Comprehensive Plan update.
It is my intent to address these areas during Public Input. Specific areas of concern need to be presented.
Please attend this meeting and sign up for public comment to voice your concerns to the Planning Commission. It will take all of us working together to continue this effort.
Let us all be proactive and make 2025 a year of significant change…. It is what our great city deserves.
Kim Shell